Maxim Ilyn


Asociación de Investigación Materials Physics Center MPC-CFM

Magnetic and electronic properties of the epitaxial layers of 2D transtion metal dihalides

Integration of two-dimensional (2D) materials in technologically relevant applications requires atomic-scale control of the growth of single crystalline, monolayer-thick films. Meanwhile many semiconducting 2D materials like graphene, h-BN or MoS2 are routinely grown on the wafer scale, preparation of magnetic 2D materials is still limited in most cases to micromechanical exfoliation. Prominent exceptions of this trend are magnetic transition-metal tri- and dihalides, for which single-layer growth was demonstrated recently via molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). In contrast to well-studied tri-halides, particularly CrI3 and CrBr3, experimental investigation of the 2D dihalides is less advanced. In this talk I will present experimental results on magnetic and electronic properties of the epitaxial layers of transition metal dihalides measured via XMCD, ARPES, LT-STM and discuss the effect of the substrates (Au111, NbSe2 etc).