Alejandro Gonzalez-Tudela


Instituto de Fisica Fundamental-CSIC

Synthetic twisted bilayers with matter waves

The possibility of creating crystal bilayers twisted with respect to each other has led to the discovery of a wide range of novel electron correlated phenomena the full understanding of which is still under debate. Here we propose and analyze a method to simulate twisted bilayers using cold atoms in state-dependent optical lattices. Our proposed setup can be used as an alternative platform to explore twisted bilayers which allows one to control the inter-and intralayer coupling in a more flexible way than in the solid-state realizations. We will show how this flexibility enables to find "magic-angle" behaviour for larger angles. This setup opens a path to observe similar physics, eg, band narrowing, with larger twist angles, to rule out some of the mechanisms to explain the observed strongly correlated effects, as well as to study other phenomena difficult to realize with crystals.