Igor Gornyi


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Free fermions under random measurements


We have developed an analytical approach to the study of free fermions subject to random measurements of local site occupation numbers, based on the Keldysh path-integral formalism and replica trick. On the Gaussian level, this model predicts a logarithmic behavior for the entanglement entropy of one-dimensional systems. However, the one-loop renormalization group analysis allows us to demonstrate that this logarithmic growth saturates at a finite value even for rare measurements, by developing "weak-localization" quantum corrections similar to those in 2D disordered systems. This yields the area-law phase in the thermodynamic limit and implies the absence of a measurement-induced entanglement phase transition for monitored 1D free fermions. For 2D systems, this approach predicts the entanglement transition from the area-law to the critical phase.  No volume-law phase is realized for fermions in arbitrary dimensions in the absence of interactions.